
[:en]Developing innovative technologies for sustainability of Adriatic Sea[:it]Sviluppo di tecnologie innovative per la sostenibilità del Mare Adriatico[:]

Il Maritime Technology Cluster FVG è partner di Innovamare, un progetto INTERREG Italia – Croazia che svilupperà e istituirà un sistema integrato di attori nell’area della robotica sottomarina e della sensoristica per finalità di monitoraggio e sorveglianza, con l’obiettivo di orientare alla sostenibilità nel Mare Adriatico.

Attraverso politiche e soluzioni trasformative e sistemiche, Innovamare mira ad attivare collaborazioni tra diversi player in grado di individuare soluzioni innovative per la prevenzione, la riduzione, la mitigazione e la rimozione dell’inquinamento marino.

Il modello sarà sviluppato con il fine di renderlo replicabile in altre regioni, paesi e aree di interesse per la blue economy, diventando un driver per la competitività di player innovativi a livello globale.

L’approccio innovativo del progetto prevede l’integrazione di politiche, strumenti innovativi, reti e collegamenti trasversali tra imprese, enti di ricerca e sviluppo, l’alta formazione, il settore pubblico e la cittadinanza, con l’intento di allineare tutti gli elementi necessari per creare progetti, prodotti e servizi innovativi e dare diretto supporto sia al mondo della ricerca che al mercato.

GUARDA il video di presentazione del progetto

Discover Innovamare Map of Excellence

Inizio progetto
[:en]July 1st, 2020[:it]1 Luglio 2020[:]
[:en]30 months[:it]36 mesi[:]
Costo del progetto
[:en]5,6 milions euro[:it]5.555.755,45 €[:]


Through very good communication and coordination of all partners during all the 104 project activities, including interviews, training sessions, conferences, roadshows, round tables, workshops, study trips, pilot actions. As a result of these activities, this project will have several main outputs, here are few:

  • established DIH (Digital Innovation Hub) for innovative underwater robotics and sensors and living lab in the Adriatic Sea;
  • developed strategy and Action plan for the enhancement of framework conditions for raising collaboration and networking in the field of robotics and sensors for further steps in public policies based on the quadruple helix approach;
  • policy recommendations.



The project addresses all the stakeholders involved in the theme of sustainability of the Adriatic Sea:

    • General public (researchers, entrepreneurs, students, citizens)
    • Local, regional and national public authorities
    • Regional and local development agencies, chambers of commerce and other BSI
    • SMEs
    • Universities, technology transfer institutions, research institutions
    • Centers of Research excellence
    • NGOs, associations, innovation agencies, business incubators, cluster management bodies, and networks.



The main legacy after the implementation of a project InnovaMare will be MAiROS – the main platform for the development of solutions for monitoring and prediction of pollution of the Adriatic Sea.

MAiROS will be ready to connect to the Pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and in this way bring opportunities for connection on the European level for all involved stakeholders from the cross-border level. It will be the central place for networking and exchange of experiences and knowledge from all relevant stakeholders.

The project is part of the Interreg Italy – Croatia CBC Programme, the European Union financial instrument supporting the cooperation among the two European Members States territories overlooking the Adriatic sea. With 236,8 M € of total budget, the Programme enables regional and local stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experiences, to develop and implement pilot action products and services, to support investments by creation of new business models, to test the feasibility of new policies, having as the final aim the improvement of the life quality and conditions of more than 12,4 M citizens living in the Area.

The project InnovaMare as a part of Interreg Italy-Croatia is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.[:it] 


