
[:en]Advanced training through virtual reality techniques, artificial intelligence, and high-fidelity CFD simulations[:it]Addestramento avanzato mediante tecniche di realtà virtuale, intelligenza artificiale e simulazioni CFD high-fidelity[:]

The Hi4TrAIning project aims to develop a virtual reality software platform that creates an extremely precise and dynamic training environment, visualized in real-time based on the operator’s reactions. Immersed in a realistic and interactive naval environment, integrated with high-fidelity fluid dynamics results managed through artificial intelligence techniques, users will gain a solid familiarity with the safety procedures necessary to handle emergency situations on board ships and in shipyards during the construction of naval vessels, such as gas leaks and complex maintenance scenarios.


This approach aims to enhance the learning, reaction, and decision-making capabilities of the crew and technicians operating on gas carriers and vessels with alternative fuel propulsion systems.

[:en]January 2, 2024[:it]2 gennaio 2024[:]
[:en]18 months[:it]18 mesi[:]
699.699 €

[:en]The companies M.E.S – Marine Engineering Services and ENGYS, with their extensive experience in the maritime sector and computational fluid dynamics, conceived the Hi4TrAIning project and submitted it to IRISS 2023 – Next Gen. EU – M4C2I2.3 (PNRR) call for proposals by SMACT Competence Center, securing funding of 399,366 euros out of a total cost of 669,669 euros.


The project involves SISSA mathLab for generating reduced models obtained through the processing of high-fidelity CFD analysis results related to gas dispersion, and the HCI Lab – Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Udine, to reproduce the naval environment in high fidelity using virtual reality.[:it]Le aziende M.E.S – Marine Engineering Services e ENGYS, con la loro vasta esperienza nel settore navale e nella fluidodinamica computazionale, hanno concepito il progetto Hi4TrAIning e l’hanno candidato al bando IRISS 2023 – Next Gen. EU – M4C2I2.3 (PNRR) di SMACT Competence Center (Centro di Competenza industria 4.0), risultando assegnatari di un finanziamento di 399.366 euro su un costo complessivo di 669.669 euro.

Nel progetto sono coinvolti anche SISSA mathLab, per la generazione di modelli ridotti ottenuti mediante l’elaborazione dei risultati delle analisi CFD ad alta fedeltà relative alla dispersione del gas, e HCI Lab – Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory dell’Università degli Studi di Udine, per riprodurre l’ambiente navale in alta fedeltà tramite realtà virtuale.[:]